The reality of Endometriosis

The ups, the downs & the downright uglys

Wednesday, August 13, 2014

The end is in sight!

Hi everyone!

So sorry i've been away for a while! I've been busy growing my baby :)

We found out at 20 weeks, that we are having a boy!

So i'm now 36 weeks and 3 days pregnant and the end is near!

When I saw my consultant at 16 weeks, I was advised that due to my Endometriosis and baby's weight, if I have not gone into labour at 2 days past my due date then they will induce me (usually they give you two weeks). However he didn't think that was necessary as he reckoned I would go anytime after 37 weeks (which is now this Sunday).

I had a routine midwife appointment this week and was pleased to be told that baby is 4/5ths engaged, meaning he can decide to shuffle out as soon as he wiggles his final fifth into my pelvis.

Its strange that theoretically I could be holding my little man this time next week.

I've continued to have bleeding all through my pregnancy which has resulted in lots of trips to the maternity ward and one which ended in an overnight stay. I was not impressed!

Ive had lots of monitoring and lots of scans and examinations and baby still remains happy and well.

They kept saying they were unable to find the cause of the bleeding and it was really starting to baffle everyone.

I can now happily say that yesterdays examination bought some conclusive results!

I have been suffering from cervical erosions. Cervical erosions can happen to anyone but are obviously more common if you suffer from 'gynecological abnormalities'.

In serious cases they can weaken the cervix but in most cases are completely harmless.

If you believe you are suffering from these you can ask for an internal examination (although I should point out this involves a metal clamp (except it expands instead of clamping anything) inserted into your female area and its not comfortable or pleasant, infact if they wiggle hard enough its bloody sore!!) This will be able to confirm whether your cervix is intact (apart from the erosions)

Anyway thats it from me for now. I will come back and update you when I can happily say that I've had my healthy baby boy :)
