Hiya blog!
OK so it's not been so long since I last blogged but unfortunately that's not a good thing. (I meant to do this on Thursday but then Tim started cooking and I had to run an errand and then, well, life got in the way so to speak).
I've really suffered this month, not good.
I ended up taking co-codamol on 26th November for my pain - except it's been that long since I took them that I took them on an empty stomach. Drove back to work picking up a sandwich on the way and then it all went a bit pear shaped. I got really light headed as it had been well over 12 hours since I last ate anything, my head was spinning and I tried to eat but I felt so sick (from the pain, the co-codamol or a mix of both, I couldn't be bothered working out which). I was sat at work with my head between my legs - so attractive and a cup of sugared water. I got over that though and moved on as you do.
A week later, 3rd December I ended up having an impromptu appointment with the gynae. As lovely as he is and it was to have a catch up, it's never a good sign being in his office is it? I had what could only resemble a bladder infection. However the doctor thought it was tied to my Endometriosis so sent me to Gynae. It hurt to pee, really hurt, I felt like I needed to wee all the time. Bathing didn't help, drinking wasn't doing anything. I tried over the counter medicine for cystitis this also did nothing. I had been suffering since November 30th but was trying to control this - in the end I just couldn't. Suffering became too hard. The nurse wrote out a prescription for some tablets but she got it wrong. The pharmacy refused to give me the tablets as the script was wrong and sent me back to hospital. The nurse refused to take responsibility and I stood for an hour arguing with a number of people in Gynae/the pharmacy to do something. In the end I ended up breaking down into tears and shouting 'Will somebody just give me something - anything to help me'. I felt like a flaming junkie.
Telling Tim that night about my day shocked him somewhat. Like every man in my life, he hadn't fully understood. He didn't realise just what this does to my life. Seeing the look on his face, broke my heart. I remember him saying he was stupid for not fully taking in what me having this meant. He wasn't and isn't silly - I don't expect him to understand, I never have and never will. He is amazing though, he's so supportive and I couldn't ask for more than that. I know that when I need him, he'll be there.
He proved how much I could depend on him three days later when I crashed my car! That wasn't anything to do with my Endometriosis though - that was me being an idiot driver. I called him and he was straight there.
I'm suffering these past couple of days, I am extremely tired and today I had a short stabby pain that stopped me in my tracks but i'm battling through as you have to really.
I find the Endometriosis reappearing alot easier. I'm not sure if that's because of the amazing support I get from Tim or because I'm used to it. I'd like to think the first. Hopefully the symptoms won't last and i'll be right as rain for christmas and 2014.
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